Feb 26, 2010

Olympic Disappointment

Due to the ridiculous time difference between here and Vancouver, we don’t get to see anything cool. Due to NBC not being cool, it’s hard to find any clips online of medal runs. I really wanted to watch the men’s aerials but nothing on TV is so important for me to wake up at 3:30 a.m. I just have to cut my losses of not being part of the crowd to witness amazing tricks, but I supposed I’ll survive.

At work today we have had an interesting subject come up. One of my co-workers has the gift of gab and enjoys using it. I generally have an ear to listen but you can only beat a horse so many times. I know we are all guilty of when we get fired up about something that is all that we want to talk about. She wants to personally deliver a part to one of our customers so that she can meet them in person and start to build a bigger relationship with them. Now I don’t see anything wrong with this what-so-ever. In fact, my mother gave me the same advice about a project I’m working on: go out there and meet these people, you never know what comes of it. Well my co-worker was told by another co-worker to ask another co-worker because it’s really his “domain” to solicit outside business. Well, his reasoning: they’re already a customer why do we really need to go? I understand that, he is in charge of business development, which indirectly pertains to keeping business good, but mainly to solicit and find new business. This back and forth “argument” of who’s “domain” it is to go out and visit a customer coupled with the venting that has gone in on my ear has left me a bit peeved. The biggest part? I don’t see a problem what-so-ever with going and meeting a customer. Even better if you hand deliver a part to them. It only helps to build relationships. I don’t get why other people are making a “big deal” out of this and trying to pass the buck and act like someone is going on a renegade mission. Alright, that is a bit of an exaggeration but I fail to see why this would be an issue of any sort which leads to my slight irritation of listening to my coworker vent for the majority of today.

Moving on, the weather this morning was 8C (46F) which I do believe is the warmest it has been here yet. That is exciting. Now, since the Netherlands are against us (well, since Kelly isn’t here, it's just me) enjoying any sort of good weather, it has rained this entire week of “warm weather.” Great! It’s warm, but if you step outside you get rained on. I guess we can open our windows? Although I hardly believe 46F weather is something you want to celebrate with open windows. I guess I’ll just enjoy the high temperature reading on the car’s display and turn the windshield wipers on. Thank you Holland!

Thank goodness it’s beer Friday though. That makes everything alright and do-able. And, I can sleep in tomorrow. After much debate of what I should do this weekend, I think taking it easy will win. There are also, apparently, some amazing egg rolls sold on the Grote Markt on Saturdays that I need to go try. That sounds like a good mission for me. Maybe it won’t rain and I can enjoy the “warm” weather with a walk along the canal!

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