Aug 10, 2010

I'm Connected!

I am once again able to connect to the world again. It is fantastic having a computer again. After work took back my laptop because I didn't need one any more (who doesn't need a computer?) I was too cheap to get a new one. My old one from college is in desperate need of some TLC and it just wasn't hacking it in this day and age of computing super power. I upgraded to a Mac. I'm still terrified and trying to get used to it. A little exposure every day and I'm sure I'll have it down before too long.

Shreveport, the update on my new home. From what I've seen its a fantastic little city. I've been out once, and dinner twice so I wouldn't yet consider myself a pro. I live in a fantastic area called Broadmoor that has tons of old houses and beautiful big old trees. I need to do some walking around and taking pictures so that you all can see what I'm talking about.

Work is really busy. It makes the days fly by and I can't believe I've been here almost a month now (just a few more days). In a way it seems like I just got here but it also seems I've been here forever (minus me not knowing where anything is). I really like everyone I work with and those stories will come well as my first on-call experience.

That is just a little blip of what is currently going on. I will now be better at posting and keeping you all involved in my not so exciting, but definitely different life.

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